Especially formulated for use during periods of extra heavy demands for calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals such as:
- Pregnant and lactating bitches.
- Pups and growing dogs to maturity.
DOG BLOOM M-121 helps produce larger, stronger litters and a good flow of milk from the bitches.
DOG BLOOM M-121 is essential to help build strong bones, good feet and teeth in pups and growing dogs to maturity.
Important Factors For Use
When using this product, always use it in combination with DOG BLOOM Super VM Supreme or DOG BLOOM VM250. They provide the vitamins that make DOG BLOOM M-121 work.
DOG BLOOM M-121 should be discontinued after maturity, except in the case of pregnant and nursing bitches. DOG BLOOM Super VM Supreme, or DOG BLOOM VM250, however, should continue to be used
Dosage- 1 tsp per 25 lbs. body weight
**FOR ORDERS OVER $1200 or **FOR ALL NON DOMESTIC ORDERS or all orders placed outside the continental US** You will need to CONTACT US for accurate shipping charges.
Phone: 937-698-5449
FAX: 937-698-7217
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