Supplements Recommended For
Breeding Females
Dog Bloom VM Supreme
The highest level vitamin-mineral supplement for dogs especially formulated for high stress conditions.
Nothing like it anywhere!

Dog Bloom M121
DOG BLOOM M-121 is essential to help build strong bones, good feet and teeth in pups and growing dogs to maturity.

Dog Bloom Xtrabloom Wate
Excellent Source of essential fatty acids for
Underweight or finicky eaters
Improving skin and coat condition
Energy boost during times of illness or convalescing

Dog Bloom Xtrabloom Digest-Aid
A unique blend of beneficial digestive bacteria, enzymes, and FOS

Breeder Pack Instructions For Use
Dog Bloom VM Supreme-
- Stud dogs- Give daily to promote top condition and maximize viable sperm count
- Brood bitches- Give daily to promote top condition and maximize viable egg production for fertility. Given throughout pregnancy provides nutritional support for puppy development and aid in female condition.
Xtrabloom Wate-
- Brood bitches- Give during last 10-14 days of pregnancy to supply needed calories to maintain body weight and provide energy reserves for birthing process.
Dog Bloom M121-
- Give to brood bitches during last 30 days of pregnancy to support mineral demand as puppies bones calcify and set stage for milk production.
Xtrabloom Digest Aid-
- Give to nursing female to eliminate loose stools experienced from puppy cleanup.
Follow All Label Directions For Dosages
Watch Em THRIVE! Less problems, vet bills and healthier dogs and puppies! $$
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